Are you also starting the new year in as positive a mood as we are? There are many opportunities and a good growth forecast for our industry. One of the motivating factors for us is the great demand and the intensive exchange we encountered at the live events last year. We are happy to continue this in 2023.

As a specialist in service, RetroFit and intralogistics systems, we plan to be present at at least the following four events this year:


Day of Logistics
Logistics Breakfast at TELOGS in Wettenberg, with the opportunity to learn about the company, its services and the industry on site.


25.04. – 27.04.2023
LogiMAT in Stuttgart
the leading international trade fair for intralogistics, intralogistics solutions and process management
TELOGS booth: Hall 1, C15


11. and 12.10.2023
Logistics Summit in Düsseldorf
The new trade fair and conference for digitalization and innovations in logistics.


TELOGS Logistic Maintenance – TLM
Our partner days with open exchange, many novelties and exciting innovations around intralogistics.

For us, all events are held under the motto “Intralogistics. Better. Make.“We expect an increase in innovations this year as well, which will bring you and us further. Learn from recognized experts what will move our industry and how “doing better” can look very practical. We look forward to many interesting meetings this year.

Your TELOGS Team